Country focus Vietnam: Training vocational school teachers

Vocational training is being introduced modelled after the German system at 23 Vietnamese vocational schools. ZAW is a partner of the pilot project. Teachers have been given training in the specialist areas metal and catering in 4 or 5-month practical training courses at our training facilities. Our trainers and lecturers in Vietnam provide assistance in implementing the new training system through training courses and exam preparations.

Preparing for practice-orientated lessons

Around 90 vocational school teachers from all regions in Vietnam took part in 4 or 5-month training courses based on the trainer qualification courses. The focus of the methodological-didactic training is to prepare vocational school teachers in the best possible way to introduce practice-orientated teaching in Vietnam.

ZAW provides training to vocational school teachers in the professions:

  • Chef
  • Hotel management assistant
  • Hotel manager
  • Cutting machine operator

Intense practical training at ZAW Leipzig GmbH

The training includes taking hotel reservations, programming CNC machines, cooking and baking. The perspective is always: how can I best provide my trainees with the knowledge for their profession? Vocational school teachers are intensively prepared to implement practice-orientated teaching at their schools. Focus is on methodical-didactical training at workshops or training rooms.

Aim of the cooperation with Vietnam

The cooperation between the project partners and the Vietnamese Ministry MoLISA/DVET was sealed in May 2015. The aim of the cooperation is to establish and introduce an examination system in accordance with German standards. Training for 22 recognised dual occupational profiles will be provided in Vietnam in the future in accordance with the German model. Making vocational school teachers fit for this task is a requirement for this. In October 2019, the first training classes at selected Vietnamese vocational schools began providing practice-orientated lessons.

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